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Walidah Imarisha: A Racist History Shows Why Oregon Is Still So White

Writer, activist and artist Walidah Imarisha spoke at 博天堂官方 in 2016. 四年后, 她继续教育俄勒冈人这个问题:“为什么没有更多的黑人? 俄勒冈人?" 在这里收听/阅读2020年6月的OPB故事.

















这位全国知名的教育家、促进者和三本关于白人的书的作者 跟我们说过 白色的脆弱性, or what makes it so hard to talk to White people about racism.
Perhaps most famous for her presentation entitled Why Aren't There More Black People in Oregon?她在美国工作了六年. Imarisha traveled statewide as a public scholar with Oregon 人文对话项目. View her full presentation on alternatives to incarceration.
One of the most prominent anti-racist writers and educators in the U.S.蒂姆的演讲 座无虚席的论坛涵盖了一系列话题,包括贫困、种族主义和白人 特权.

2017 - 2019的帖子

As America Changes, Some Anxious Whites Feel Left Behind
全国范围内的人口结构变化加剧了人们对他们文化的担忧 他们的地位受到了威胁.

你可能听说过男人一生的收入比女人高. 但这意味着什么呢? Are women paid less because they choose lower-paying jobs? Is it because more women work part time than men do? 还是因为女性拥有更多 照料家庭的责任? And what, exactly, does gender bias have to do with paychecks?

Bachelorette Parties, Drag, and the Appropriation of Queer Space
周六晚上,我和我的搭档带我妹妹去了Darcelle XV Showplace庆祝她的生日. Darcelle 十五主持最长的连续运行变装表演在西海岸,它的标志性 founder and star at 86 is the oldest performing drag queen in the world.

负债更深:女性 & 学生贷款
尽管在美国大学入学的学生中,女性占56% 2016年秋季的大学,很多人都不认为学生贷款是女性的责任 问题. This 2017 AAUW report reveals that women also take on larger student loans 男人也一样. And because of the gender pay gap, they have less disposable income with 哪些毕业后偿还贷款,需要更多的时间来偿还 学生贷款比男人还多. 因此, 在美国,女性持有近三分之二的未偿还学生债务 -超过8000亿美元.


俄勒冈州的拉丁裔:趋势 & 变化中的机遇
August 2016 report by the Oregon 社区 Foundation

这取决于你问谁,写David L. 大卫·G·布伦斯马. 恩布里克和詹姆斯. 托马斯认为,机构领导人经常试图否认种族紧张关系 他们自己的校园.

对于大多数低收入家庭的学生来说,获得大学学位的道路始于家庭的大门 当地社区学院. Dishearteningly, only 10 percent of these students successfully transfer to four-year 大学s and earn bachelor’s degrees. 这显然是一个巨大的 社区大学和四年制大学之间的差距所蕴含的潜力.

决心的遗产:csamar Chávez
在国家公园管理局成立一百周年之际,我们作为美国故事讲述者的角色 已经占据了中心舞台. We are proud of the accomplishments we have made over the 百年过去,但与此同时,我们致力于把讲述工作做得更好 一个更完整的历史版本,这样每个美国人都能看到自己 映在公园里.


I first learned to code at age 16, and am now in my 30s. 我有杜克大学的数学博士学位 . . . Over a decade after I first learned to program, I still loved algorithms, but felt alienated and depressed by tech culture.

A New York Times series of short films on identity in America.

无证学生是学龄移民,毕业后居住在美国 entering the country without inspection or after overstaying their visas. 他们面临 unique challenges in accessing and paying for higher education. 在全国各地, 这些学生和他们的盟友正在努力增加他们入学的机会 大学. Oregon's legislators have passed three laws to help ensure all of Oregon's students are able to include 大学 in their plans.

The 8 R's of Talking About Race: How to Have Meaningful Conversations
如今,你很难浏览脸谱网的时间轴或打开新闻 而不是面对种族不平等.  现在,比我一生中任何时候, conversations about race have forced their way into the national consciousness.  读 德怀特·史密斯的帖子.

A couple weeks ago, I was debating what I was going to talk about in this sermon. 我告诉凯利·瑞安牧师我对谈论这个话题持保留态度 我每天都在想.

然后,一名恐怖分子在我去过的教堂里屠杀了九名无辜的人 我仍视之为家. At that point, I knew that despite any misgivings, 我需要谈谈种族问题.

Never give up: Adriana Villegas breaks barriers to achieve dreams
“当我11岁的时候,我不得不带着我的父母从墨西哥移民到美国 妈妈和弟弟. My father, as a United States resident, worked in Oregon 来墨西哥拜访我们. After years of hard work he reached his ‘American Dream’ 作为自己公司的企业家.请阅读阿德里安娜故事的其余部分.

现在可以免费下载波特兰的黑人俄勒冈州城市联盟 2015在线报告.

这份200页的报告收录了来自俄勒冈州各地领导人的18篇文章,涉及的问题包括 universal childcare, health equity, gentrification and entrepreneurship. 有 21个案例研究来自整个州,从南部的梅德福到彭德尔顿农村 in the east to Astoria and the central gentrifying urban centers. 总共12页 详细数据表.

总而言之,该报告是解决长期就业不平等问题的路线图, 教育、住房、健康、刑事司法和财富创造——并为之铺平道路 成功之道.

2013年,特拉维斯·雷贾纳尔在《博天堂官方》上写了一篇关于他如何从 杰克逊小姐.作为耶鲁大学的第一代学生. 在他的入学论文中,他写道 考察过他对写诗的热爱吗. He updates his journey, in his favorite format.

In the Shadows of the Ivory Tower: 无证 Undergraduates and the Liminal State of Immigration Reform
在移民改革的激流中,近25万人 undocumented undergraduates are struggling to find their way in higher education.

I heard it again, another 社区学院 putdown. 这是一位教育家说的 explaining criteria for high school graduation. 她接着总结了这些 她对家长和即将入学的新生说:“所以这是最低要求. 但如果你想上真正的大学,这是你应该带的东西——你知道,不是 社区学院.阅读《博天堂官方网站》的博客.

这是历史上第一次,国家年度学校辅导员将被授予荣誉 在白宫. The initiative was developed as a means to provide 大学 counselors 有更多的支持,因为他们是帮助学生实现超越教育的“关键” high school, wrote first lady Michelle Obama in an op-ed for USA Today. 她的声明 就在几周前,奥巴马总统提议建立一个为期两年的社区 所有符合条件的学生都可以免费上大学.

What Riding My Bike Has Taught Me About White Privilege
“白人特权”这个词让很多白人感到不快. 它会触发他们内心的某种东西,让他们停止交谈,或者至少让他们开始交谈 非常防守.

周四,16名志愿者聚集在奥尔巴尼市议会会议厅庆祝 Martin Luther King’s “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” speech, delivered in 1968.

I Owe It All to 社区 College: Tom Hanks on His Two Years at Chabot College
In 1974, I graduated from Skyline High School in Oakland, Calif.成绩不佳的人 SAT成绩很差的学生. Allowed to send my results to three 大学s, I chose M.I.T. and Villanova, knowing such fine schools would never accept a student like me but hoping they’d toss some car stickers my way for taking a shot. 我负担不起 不管怎样,大学学费.


Report: For Students of Color, College Life Filled With Microaggressions
尽管大学校园的多样性日益增加,但女性和有色人种学生的报告 大学生的经历充满了微妙而又诋毁的微侵犯 to a report from Harvard University’s Voices of Diversity project.

Why You Should Hire Bilinguals Even If You Don't Need Their Language Skills
随着美国人口越来越多样化,聪明的公司正在意识到这一点 需要双语员工. 这是常识. 现在有证据证明了这一点 会说两种语言的人可能思维更敏捷,工作效率更高,即使是在那些 don't necessarily require them to utilize their second language.

Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber Reflects on Ferguson
密苏里州弗格森市大陪审团做出的裁决引发了愤怒和 我们国家的沮丧情绪. 但 it is in these moments of palpable response to years of injustice that I speak to you as a father of a son in America.

弗格森发生的一切是近期几个历史因素的结果 根深蒂固的种族态度,以及参与式民主的崩溃.

BALTIMORE — It is a Tuesday in October and Terrell Kellam is running late. 他通常 早上五点半起床.m. to catch the first of two buses that will take him from southwest Baltimore to Morgan State University, just north of the city. 有了良好的关系, making it to his 大学 classes might take an hour and a half.

College of Tomorrow: The Changing Demographics of the Student Body
拿一本小册子或去几乎任何大学的网站——私立的、公立的、社区的 大学——第一张照片你可能会看到很多新人的照片 白人孩子(也许还有少数黑人和亚洲青少年)挤在实验室里 hanging on the quad, representing the student body on their campus.

然而,与任何以研究人口统计学为生的人交谈,他们都会告诉你 这些形象根植于过去. Young people seeking higher education these days, they say, are less likely to be white or male, more likely to be Hispanic, may be 在他们的家庭中,第一个高中毕业后继续接受教育的人,并将继续 可能需要帮助支付.

读本科的时候,我开过一辆92年的福特金牛座,像坦克一样笨重,在马路上 伯克利的街道. 那东西很显眼,是一艘远洋客轮. 我被警察拦下了 all the time, once or twice a week at one point. 我经常看到一辆警车跟在后面 me and just pull to the curb to get it over with. 一个军官会走到 car, one hand on that little button that secures the strap over his gun. 他会问 这是我的驾照和注册证. Some inner voice would remind me that this was the time to point out I'd done nothing wrong; I'd ask for a badge number, I'd take a stand. 但黑人男孩应该知道得更清楚.