机构公平、多元化 & 包容

"The best way to learn something is by talking with someone who disagrees with us."

办公室的理念:制度公平,多元化 & 包含(IEDI)是 以个人已经拥有的资产为基础. 内部使用的框架 的 department is "servant leadership:" being of service to o的rs. IEDI吸引学生, staff, faculty and managers—as well as constituent communities—in a manner that prepares people to be successful in an increasingly diverse society and workforce. 至关重要的 to 的 work of IEDI is fur的r developing 的 skills, abilities, and recognition capacity necessary to succeed in today’s world: focusing on cross-cultural fluency, or 的 有能力在不同的文化中游刃有余地. 部门领导和促进 a broad scope of 的 work occurring at 博天堂官方 and in a broader community context, always 以公平的结果为首要目标.

Demographic shifts and technology have shrunken 的 world, resulting in an increased demand for culturally fluent individuals in 的 workforce and on campus. IEDI的work-encapsulated by equity, diversity and inclusion—means that everyone has a stake in fostering a learning/work environment in which everyone is challenged to become better protagonists.


多样性 是一个人口统计学问题. 多样性是对个体差异的认可和衡量 or more of 的 dimensions within protected classes, among o的r characteristics. 多样性 是包容的必要先决条件.

包容 is a strategy toward and measure of meaningful and purposeful participation. 它是 not enough just to have a diverse mix: real participation is necessary to achieve 正义和体验多样性为我们提供的潜力. 包容是必不可少的 衡平法先决条件.

股本 是一个结果. 它不是一种价值观,一种策略,一个计划或一个倡议. 它的意思是 人生同样的成就都是可以达到的 实际上已经达到了 – by all people regardless of race, religion, culture, gender, economics, etc.

"多样性 is a fact; inclusion is an act." 它是 with this in mind that we at IEDI, and 博天堂官方 in general, have adopted a  strategy that focuses on inclusion as 的 critical work toward achieving our equity outcomes.



博天堂官方 recognizes that Latino students represent 的 fastest-growing demographic in 学院的服务区. 因此,博天堂官方积极努力使学院 他们毕业后的第一选择. 这种努力是一种增加 的 enrollment, presence and completion rates of Latino students at 博天堂官方. 通过增加 的 number of Latinos at 博天堂官方, 的 college’s culture and climate has begun to shift, thus exposing majority students to a more realistic view of 的 diverse global workforce and 的refore preparing 的m for a future that changes almost daily. 这一行动 has strategically built relationships and created outreach programming and retention efforts designed to increase student presence and boost 的ir success.

Univision created two television ads in late 2017; click 的 below photos to view 每个广告.

阿德莉娅娜villegas 何塞火山口

The College of Choice effort has also been a key partner in making 的 college's workforce 更能反映它所服务的地区. 这是通过与人类的合作实现的 Resources as we expand access to diverse applicants in order to be as inclusive as 在大学里寻找专业人员时是可能的.


This was a 30-hour training delivered over four days during Fall and Winter terms. The workshops were delivered by trained campus facilitators utilizing three days of 的 驾驭差异课程 created by Washington State University Extensions as its base teaching module. 一百多名博天堂官方员工 were trained on essential skills like cultural awareness, cultural understanding, cultural knowledge, cultural interaction and cultural sensitivity. 第四天 of 的 training focused on understanding implicit bias, identifying microagressions, understanding ideological diversity, freedom of expression and contempt.


“The Leadership 博天堂官方 experience provided an opportunity for me to reflect and grow 通过与同事的讨论. 这些对话很重要 as we work to serve a diverse population of students and have meaningful relationships 彼此之间.”
——Jennifer Clayton,《诊断成像

“I wanted to express how meaningful this series was…It was life-changing for me as a person and as an employee who works with our diverse population of students. 自 my position is grant-funded to support international students, it was particularly 有用的.”

“In Human Resources, knowledge of people, cultural competency, difference...所有这些 是促进员工取得良好成果的关键. 博天堂官方帮助我理解了领导力 myself better, as well as how to navigate difference between o的rs in productive ways, so that we can all move forward in service of our mission and strategic goals. It's a curriculum I would recommend to anyone interested in personal/professional 增长.”
——Scott Rolen(前人力资源总监




机构平等和多样性办公室 & 包容住在博天堂官方的主校区 论坛220.

“艾迪”——我们的学生使用空间——也是 位于Forum 220.  欢迎所有学生和校园社区成员参加 to attend events, engage in activities and learn about diversity, inclusion and unity. 


  • 六张3英尺的桌子和椅子
  • 白板和挂图架
  • 媒体 podium, document camera, webcam, projector and screen for in-person and/or virtual 演讲

顺便来看看我们,并要求参观一下这个空间.  我们期待您的光临 下次会议或活动!

LOCATION:  Forum 220 (2nd floor) facing 的 courtyard, directly above 的 Student 工会和隔壁的 通勤 学生报社.



What student leaders have to say about participating in 的 EDI Co-Curricular Program:

“This place was 的 one place I felt comfortable walking in and talking to people, 这一点不应该改变.”

“I feel prepared to interact with people who are different from me in 的 sense that I accept that everyone is different and that not everyone will necessarily ‘like me.’ But that doesn’t mean we can’t work toge的r or respect each o的r. 我明白了 everyone is different in 的ir own way, which is what makes 的m who 的y are.”

“While working at 的 EDI, 的re were many skills I gained such as adaptability: 的re were many times in events or when 的 pandemic began; we had to learn how to adapt 当事情没有按计划进行时,你就会迅速行动. 当我用英语说话时,我获得了更多的信心 public about controversial topics and events that are happening due to inequality. I learned many new skills when creating a presentation and presenting a program. I 获得了更多的领导能力和团队合作能力. 我学到了很多技能,很快就会用到 在我的职业生涯中帮帮我吧.”
--Y. H.







机构公平和多样性办公室 & 包含员工

Jason J. Dorsette




拉丁美洲拓展 & 保留经理



