
林本顿社区学院 is proud to welcome so many students from across the 我们很高兴能和你分享他们的故事! 请看这个页面 来自当前国际学生和校友的证言.


巴西 | 中国 | 印度 | 印尼 | 日本 | 黎巴嫩 | 马来西亚 | 蒙古 | 卡塔尔 | 俄罗斯 | 沙特阿拉伯 | 韩国 | 越南 | 津巴布韦




"I found my way to 博天堂官方 from my previous 经验 as a high school exchange student. I fell in love with Oregon and discovered that everything I wanted to study I could 到这里来吧.

I reached out to the international programs and told them I was interested in becoming a student and they helped me right away with getting everything done so I could start 上课."







"博天堂官方 is a good place for new International students to begin their college life, 尤其是在头两年. 在博天堂官方,你会发现小班和老师 了解他们的学生. 很容易了解当地的文化和制作 新朋友. After two years, you can transfer anywhere to finish a bachelor degree. Starting at 博天堂官方 helps students adapt more easily to the University life."







"As a student of 林本顿社区学院, I've had a complete change in my worldview. The lectures, the teaching style, was all very different from how it was back home 在印度. 与 the help of the amazing professors, my peers and international student 顾问,我蓬勃发展. 毕业后,我加入了荣誉协会, 我的平均成绩是3分.6、并迅速进入事业成功的开端 商人."




国际学生Korinius Kogoya照片Korinius Kogoya

人类发展 & 家庭科学|印尼

"As a trilingual and first generation college student, it wasn’t easy for me to study 在美国.  与in two years, I faced such a language barrier, culture shock and homesickness. However, all those circumstances didn’t discourage me from succeeding in my dreams. Once at 博天堂官方, I had such amazing professors, advisors, tutors and mentors that were 永远在我身边. 我要感谢那些在两年内发挥重要作用的人 在林本顿社区学院. 你对我的投资不会到此为止,而且 yet it is going to the people who are needed and generations to come as I am going 服务."



国际学生埃里卡·伊祖卡的照片Erika Iizuka


"I first learned English at ELCI, the language school on the 博天堂官方 campus, and then 转到博天堂官方. 我能够很顺利地过渡到下一个阶段,谢谢 两所学校之间的密切关系. 就像在一个 college campus where I'm always welcomed to just stop by and talk about my day. 我在博天堂官方学到的不仅仅是学习. 我在国际学校有一份校内工作 这些项目极大地改变和塑造了今天的我. 它指引我去寻找 my interest in studying Graphic Design and helped me find the joy to be involved with 校园社区."




锻炼 & 体育科学|黎巴嫩

"My name is 高尼姆ElJamal, and I am a Kinesiology major looking to become a physical 治疗师. I figured out 博天堂官方 was the college for me once I saw how much smaller classes 它提供了多少学生和教授之间的经验. lbcc的员工是 是我共事过的最有活力和洞察力的人. 我从来没有一个问题 工作人员也无法给出答案. 我在博天堂官方的经历 been nothing short of wonderful, as was the educational 经验 I have received."






"I came to 博天堂官方 as an international student in the engineering emphasis program. I initially thought I would feel isolated from everyone, but the community and the advisors definitely proved me wrong – they made me feel connected and genuinely cared about 我在博天堂官方期间的成功和整体幸福感. 我一直很感激 the small class sizes, which made discussions more comfortable and allowed instructors 去了解学生的个人情况. 不仅如此,还有资源 provided and my education here certainly prepared me well for my journey to getting 我的学士学位."


图为国际学生Ganjiguur BatsaikhanGanjigurr Batsaikhan


"I've been studying here in the United States for 4 years now and attending 博天堂官方 was 这是我来这里以来做过的最好的选择!   如果你想要一个安全友好的环境 surrounded with college students and amazing teachers, come join me here at 博天堂官方."





国际学生Ali Al Lanjawi的照片Ali Al Lanjawi


"Linn Benton is a great community college that helped me transition into the American educational system smoothly thanks to the help of the international advisors. 导师 for math are available from morning to night to help us further our knowledge of the 科目,这帮助我在课堂上取得成功.   我的国际顾问 Kim helped me transition from Linn Benton to Oregon State University by seating with me through the application process and made sure I had all the documents needed to 成为俄勒冈州立大学的学生. "






"I attended 博天堂官方 for two years and have graduated with a Business 政府 degree. The school has provided me with all the necessary resources for a pleasant and successful 经验.  在所有优秀教师的帮助下,我能够很好地交付 academically which had put me on an easy pass to graduate and further more getting 在我的研究领域有一份好工作.  博天堂官方不仅为我提供了良好的教育, it has also made the transition as an international student extremely easy.  与 the support of the DSOs I was able to get involved in the college community. 这是 great to be able to participate in different activities and contribute to the school's 大气."


国际学生Abdulhadi AlAtig的照片Abdulhadi Al Atiq


"We do not know what the future is holding for us, and our best bet is to be prepared 作出相应的反应. 我在博天堂官方开始了我的教育,他们为我提供了指导,资源, 知识和培训,以促进我的教育和未来的事业.  I transferred to New Mexico State University where I was one of the Dean of engineering 学生大使和IE学生代表 & 部门. Now that I graduated from New Mexico State University with a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering, I am now working in the Operational Excellence 部门 of the largest oil company in the World and will be earning my masters degree in the 不久的将来!"


图为国际学生成宰恩Jaeeun Seong

博天堂官方/OSU Grad |韩国

"I decided to enroll at Linn Benton 社区 College (博天堂官方) to improve my command of English and to become more acquainted with the academic culture in the U.S. 经历1年后.在博天堂官方的5年强化教育,我被录取进入 2013年毕业于耶鲁大学环境学院,在那里我获得了第二个硕士学位.S. 森林科学 研究了土壤中的碳循环. 收到我的M后.S.我从事研究工作 assistant at Yale for two years, where I applied my analytical skills towards investigating 水力压裂对地下水中甲烷含量的影响."





“自从我来到博天堂官方后,我有了明显的变化. 作为同伴在这里学习和工作 Mentor has given me one of the greatest 经验s of my life where I can discover 把自己定义得淋漓尽致. 让博天堂官方成为你学习的下一个目的地 旅行而喜欢我,你不会后悔的!"







"Linn- Benton 社区 College has been a fulfilling choice as it has helped me learn 挑战自我,成长为一个独立的个体. 这所学校提供多种资源 满足学生在课堂内外的需要. 我的分配 academic advisors and coaches have helped me transition smoothly from one term to 下一个. We have a very active student government that organizes fun and educational 促进学生参与的活动. 除了我的学术,我也是一个 student engagement leader, where I interact with different students and help them 找到他们想要的资源. 总体而言,博天堂官方帮助学生取得成功."