2024 - 25 FAFSA Changes

FAFSA Simplification Act

的 FAFSA Simplification Act 是作为2021年综合拨款法案的一部分由国会颁布的吗. 这 law reduces the number of questions students will have to answer on the form, makes crucial changes to the Higher Education Act of 1965 to expand Pell Grant eligibility and removes outdated restrictions to make federal student aid more accessible to all students.


鼓励学生登录或创建一个帐户 Federal Student Aid 并关注联邦学生援助的更多信息. A communication from the Department of Education has been sent to students and families of 2023-2024 FAFSA filers as of 9/29/2023.


这 listing of 教育部常见问题解答(FAQs) 是否会定期更新,并注明更新日期. New and/or updated questions and answers will be marked NEW or UPDATED.

FAFSA Delivery Rollout, Updated Issue Alerts, and New FAFSA Functionality (Updated on March 13, 2024)

在一个 electronic announcement, the Department of Education (ED) posted 那 the transmission of FAFSA records has formally begun and will gradually ramp up. 的 announcement also highlighted the resolution 在四个问题中,为学生提供FAFSA提交摘要,以及 identified new issues.  


的 US Department of Education (ED) has provided an important update regarding the 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA®)流程. 这 Electronic Announcement provides further details regarding aid eligibility and the post-processing experience for students, institutions, state higher-education agencies, and scholarship organizations.  

为按法律规定计算通货膨胀调整,本署 has updated the supporting tables used in the Student Aid Index (SAI) calculation, 确保学生从大约额外的1美元中受益.80亿年 的援助. 这些表格直接影响到联邦学生的资格 aid, detail the allowances against income and assets reported by students and families on their FAFSA form. 

In the coming weeks, ED will be updating the Federal Processing System (FPS) to include the updated tables. 根据完成这项工作的估计,该部 将开始向学校和州政府机构发送FAFSA信息 将于3月上半月发布,其中将包括更新后的SAI表格. ED预计 catching up with the majority of FAFSA transmissions to schools in the weeks following the beginning of the FAFSA delivery.


的 Department of Education (ED) on Tuesday, January 23, 2024, announced 那 it will update the tables used to protect a portion of a family’s income and assets from being 在学生资助指数(SAI)中按通货膨胀调整后的金额考虑.  这意味着 更多的学生将有资格获得更多的助学金.  Unfortunately, ED did not give a timeline of when or how the new tables will be implemented and if this will impact their distribution of FAFSAs to institutions at the end of January as originally 所述.

2024–25 FAFSA Issue Alerts

的 Department of Education (ED) has created a page to monitor FAFSA Issues as they 是否正处于2024-25年联邦学生免费申请的试运行期 Aid (FAFSA®) form. 在试运行期间,他们将监控网站的性能, conduct pauses for maintenance, and make updates to improve the user experience for students and families.

2024–25 FAFSA Issue Alerts

2024-2025 FAFSA Soft Launch (Updated Jan 2, 2024)

教育部(ED)这个周末已经开始了它的 软启动 of the 2024 - 25 FAFSA, during which time the application will be available to students and families periodically 由于部门不定期将表格拉下来进行维护和 address any potential issues. 使用表格的学生和家庭将不会 need to resubmit the form once the 软启动 ends. 的 department has not specified 试运行将持续多久,计划中的暂停将在何时进行. 

During this time, Federal Student Aid (FSA) 强调 那 在测试发布期间,申请人不需要急于完成申请 因为FSA直到1月下旬才会向金融机构发送fafsa.

2024-2025 FAFSA Release – December 31, 2023

Due to the major changes, the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Federal Student Aid has indicated they will be ready to offer the simplified application for the upcoming 周期.

On Wednesday, November 15, 2023, Federal Student Aid (FSA) announced 那 the 2024 - 25 FAFSA will go live by December 31, 2023,符合法定要求,表格必须在1月1日之前提供. 

Along with the release date, FSA announced in its FAFSA路线图 那, while the application itself will be live, it will not begin processing FAFSA forms submitted online until 2024年1月. Institutions will begin receiving Institutional 学生信息记录(isir)截止2024年1月底.

FSA clarified in the call 那 once a student completes the online FAFSA, they will 得到一个确认页面,其中包括他们估计的学生援助指数(SAI)和 联邦佩尔助学金资格,以及后续的电子邮件. It will also include messaging about what to expect next.

FSA将于2024年2月开始处理纸质fafsa. Students will be able to 一旦isir处理完毕,就可以进行更正,而机构则不能 submit corrections until February, FSA states.

2024-2025 Federal Student Aid Estimator Tool

Federal Student Aid Estimator provides students and families an estimate of their 2024-2025 federal financial aid using the new Student Aid Index (SAI).

Please note: 这 is not a FAFSA. Students will need to complete a 2024-2025 FAFSA when it becomes available after December 2023.

Federal Student Aid Webinars

Federal Student Aid has released a series of educational webinars related to recent 联邦援助的变化,包括2024-2025年FAFSA. You can view these videos on their YouTube channel.


2024-2025 FAFSA Roadmap for Students and Families

2024 - 25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) includes unprecedented changes to how students and families apply for federal student aid and how we determine eligibility, giving students a better and simpler experience with the FAFSA form. Improvements include a direct data exchange with the IRS for income data elements, a new “Who’s My Parent?” wizard, and a single consolidated portal for all FAFSA help resources.

To help ensure 那 students and families—and the partners critical to getting student 将援助资金交到学生手中,为2024-25学年的成功做好了最好的准备 FAFSA 周期, Federal Student Aid has launched the Better FAFSA Better Future Roadmap,其中包括以下学生和家庭的时间表.

2023年夏天: Preparing for 2024–25 FAFSA Outreach Campaign
A communications campaign, including videos, directed to students and families highlights 他们应该做些什么来准备新的FAFSA表格. 的 campaign also will provide key facts about what to expect from the new FAFSA process, including how to create FSA ID, 2024-25年FAFSA表格的特征,以及联邦佩尔助学金资格.

Summer through Fall 2023: 金融援助 Estimator and Preview Tools
Online tools for students and families will provide an early estimate of their Student Aid Index and potential eligibility, as well as visual previews of the new FAFSA form.

2023年夏天 through 2024年冬: FAFSA Information Updates on Federal Student Aid
Ongoing updates to FAFSA information and help resources will be posted to StudentAid.政府 including FAFSA process implementation updates.

November 2023 - February 2024: FSA YouTube Channel Updates
FSA将制作视频来吸引学生和家庭. Topics will include “Preparing for the FAFSA Form” and “2024 - 25 FAFSA FAQs”.

By December 31, 2023: 2024–25 FAFSA Form Available

开始 November 2023: FSA Social Media Outreach
Ongoing multi-channel social media campaign to prepare students and families for the 2024 - 25 FAFSA.

2024年1月: 2024-25 ISIR和FAFSA提交摘要可用
FSA will complete eligibility determination and begin transmitting Institutional Student Information Records (ISIRs) and FAFSA Submission Summaries to states, institutions, 和申请人.

For Guidance Counselors & 提倡

According to the U.S. 教育部(ED),从2024-25年开始颁发 year, the financial aid administrator (FAA) will no longer be able to file an original 或代表学生(或家长)更新FAFSA. 这意味着 the FAA will 不能再代表学生通过FAFSA网站提交FAFSA, FAA Access, EDExpress, or any other method. 的re are no exceptions, not even for incarcerated students. 根据FSA于2023年7月13日举行的网络研讨会,faa 包括指导顾问、倡导者和帮助学生的第三方.

As in the past, the FAA can assist the student or parent when preparing to file the FAFSA (as a preparer), such as when completing the paper FAFSA, but the FAA cannot enter 那 data into FOTW, FAA Access, etc. for the student or parent; the paper FAFSA 将需要邮寄到联邦处理系统(FPS,以前的CPS). 同时, as in the past, the FAA will still be able to submit corrections, updates, and adjustments 到FAFSA数据.

这 restriction is due to requirements under the Fostering Undergraduate Talent by Unlocking Resources for Education Act (FUTURE Act), which requires consent from each FAFSA contributor (student, spouse, parent as applicable) to obtain federal tax information (FTI) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), as well as to protect the confidentiality 那个FTI. 看到 May 12, 2023 Electronic Announcement (GENERAL-23-34), Access and Use of Federal Tax Information (FTI) for Federal Student Aid 项目 开始 with the 2024 - 25 FAFSA Processing Cycle.


2023年夏天: 金融援助 Estimator and Preview Tools
Online tools for students and families will provide an early estimate of their Student Aid Index and potential eligibility, as well as visual previews of the 2024–25 FAFSA form.

Summer through Fall 2023: Counselor Training
Webinars and train-the-trainer sessions, offered in collaboration with college access 组织,将提供详细的培训,辅导员关于关键的变化 在申请过程和资格的确定. 这 training will help counselors better support students and families.

Summer through Fall 2023:便览
One-page resources for counselors about priority topics identified by college access professionals will include understanding the Student Aid Index, creating an FSA ID, 帮助学生处理特殊情况,以及使用联邦税务信息.

开始 November 2023: 2024 - 25 FAFSA Updates Feature
这个工具嵌入到FAFSA简化信息页面的知识中心 将定期提供FAFSA开发时间、网络研讨会和 additional resources.

November 28 - December 1, 2023: Federal Student Aid Training Conference
培训会议的主题将包括联邦更新,FAFSA更新,数据使用 以及未来和FAFSA简化法案下的考虑,监狱更新 限制或监禁个人教育计划,FAFSA简化: 申请和需求分析,计算联邦佩尔助学金和COD更新.

By December 31, 2023: 2024–25 FAFSA Form Available

January – March 2024: Monthly Webinars
金融服务管理局将举办网络研讨会,解答常见问题. Details for upcoming 网络研讨会将通过合作伙伴的电子邮件和社交媒体帖子进行分享. 请签名 up for Partner 电子邮件s: Partner 电子邮件 Registration | Federal Student Aid.

2024年1月: 2024-25 ISIR和FAFSA提交摘要可用
FSA will complete eligibility determination and begin transmitting Institutional Student Information Records (ISIRs) and FAFSA Submission Summaries to states, institutions, 和申请人.

2024年冬PDF FAFSA处理和机构纠正
FSA will begin processing PDF (paper) FAFSA forms and producing output documents including 机构学生信息记录(isir)和FAFSA提交摘要. Institutions will also be able to submit corrections to ISIRs via the FAFSA Partner Portal or their financial aid management systems. FSA will provide regular status 最新的 FAFSA Simplification Information Topics page on the Knowledge Center.

林本顿社区学院致力于保持学生,家庭和我们的 community updated. 我们会从教育部收到更多的信息 和联邦学生援助,我们将更新此网页.

博天堂官方 Office of 金融援助 & 退伍军人
Takena Hall - 117
P: 541-917-4864 | E: faoffice@85500171.com