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DegreeWorks是博天堂官方学生和顾问使用的建议和学位审核工具.  常见问题解答如下.




DegreeWorks是一个基于网络的工具,供学生监控他们的学业进展 完成程度. DegreeWorks allows students and their advisors to plan future academic 课程.


DegreeWorks审核是对过去、当前和“计划中的”课程的审查 完成学位/专业所需的已完成和未完成的要求的信息.

Can I access DegreeWorks on any computer?

是的. Access to DegreeWorks is through the Web. Use your 博天堂官方 sign on and then click 在学位工作瓷砖上.

Is my information confidential?

是的. 与其他进程一样,DegreeWorks可以通过安全登录访问. 还记得 你的指导老师,教师和选定的工作人员将能够查看这些信息 包含在DegreeWorks中.

Who has the ability to access DegreeWorks?

Currently, DegreeWorks is available to all degree-seeking students. 顾问,教师, 选定的员工也可以访问,以支持您的进步 through your academic career.

How current will my information be in DegreeWorks?

DegreeWorks与我们系统中的实时数据相关联,因此系统中的任何更改 will be reflected immediately. This includes grade changes and adding or dropping 课程.

Can I register for classes in DegreeWorks?

No. DegreeWorks是正在进行的课程、计划中的课程和学术历史的快照. 登记 will continue to be handled in WebRunner.

Can I see how many classes I have left to fulfill my 需求?

是的. DegreeWorks以显示学位要求信息的格式进行布局. 查找未选中的框,以确定您仍然需要完成的需求.

Will I be able to plan for future 课程?

 是的. See the Look Ahead or Plans sections in DegreeWorks for information.

Are my grades visible in DegreeWorks?

是的. 一旦成绩在学期结束时正式公布,就可以在 DegreeWorks. 最终成绩在最终评分之后才会在DegreeWorks中显示 period for the College has ended. Courses in-progress are listed with an "IP" grade.

What do I do if I believe my academic information is incorrect?

你 should consult your academic advisor for a review of your 审计. 任何异常 学位要求应与您的顾问或学术部门讨论 人员.

为什么 isn't my information up-to-date?

There could be several reasons. One is that DegreeWorks may not have refreshed since 做出了改变. 第二, there could be some paperwork that needs to be completed. 例如,如果你已经完成了转学课程,学院就有可能 未收到正式成绩单或课程作业正在等待部门审查. 如果你的成绩单或审计没有反映转学,请与注册办公室核实 你已经完成的工作.

How can I update information?

你 cannot update course information in DegreeWorks. To change your major, please fill out the major change form and submit it to the Registrar's 办公室.  你也可以 see your Advisor to change your major.


如果您在登录DegreeWorks时遇到问题,请致电(541)917-4434. If you are seeing issues regarding your degree 审计 please contact the Registrar's 办公室 at (541) 917-4811.





您的审核将显示您已经学习或注册的课程,并将显示 你所修的课程是否符合学位要求 may be met upon satisfactory completion of 课程 in progress.

Will I be able to view my entire course history?

DegreeWorks uses the information that is current for your transcript. 你会 可以查看已完成/注册/转学的任何课程 date your 审计 was last refreshed.  Keep in mind that any transfer work or grade 尚未正式提交和接受的更改将不会出现在您的 审计.

If I think my 审计 is incorrect, whom do I contact?

你r academic advisor is your primary point of contact. 如果你的导师决定 如果你的审核不正确,他/她会联系注册主任寻求帮助.

How do I know what classes I need to take?

工作表功能显示了学位所需的课程. 你可能 then use this information to discuss your plan with your academic advisor. 

为什么 isn't there a check mark next to a requirement I've already completed?

你r academic advisor is your primary point of contact. 如果你的导师决定 如果你的审计不正确,他/她会联系注册办公室寻求帮助.


Check with the Advising Center at (541) 917-4780.

My record 显示s my old major but I have declared a new major. 为什么我的新专业不行 显示?

如果你的专业变更申请是在与导师的会议期间提交的,你 should expect to see your new major reflected in 48 working hours.  你也会 receive an email confirming the change.  Major changes submitted during meetings with advisors are processed continually throughout the term.  

对于想要自己提交专业变更请求的学生(不涉及) 与顾问预约),专业变更表格只在一周内开放 two of the upcoming/current term.  This form will then be closed from weeks three 通过十.  如果你在前两周内直接提交了专业变更表格 总的来说,你应该在48个工作小时内看到你的新专业.  你 will also receive an email confirming the change.  

Where can I see my second degree?

DegreeWorks旨在在学生视图审计中显示您的学位列表. 此外,每个学位都被分解成单独的要求块 审计. Students pursuing simultaneous degrees will need to click on the Degree 下拉框,以便查看附加的 需求.

Where can I see my 审计 for my second degree?

中的degree下拉菜单可以访问二级学位审计 屏幕顶部.

为什么 isn't my transfer work meeting a requirement?

可能有两个原因. First, the course did not meet either the minimum number 在你的学习项目中使用的学分和/或最低成绩要求. 第二, all 需求 have been met and this course is simply not needed.

If I withdraw from a class, will that be reflected in my 审计?

您所退的课程将出现在“成绩不足”中 and/or Repeats block on your 审计.

我的指导老师告诉我,我选修的一门课程将取代一门必修课. 为什么 doesn't this information appear in my 审计?

你 should contact your advisor to resolve any substitution issue. 任何弃权、替代、 学位要求的例外情况必须通知相应的部门 chair and processed by the Registrar's 办公室.

If all the boxes are checked, does that mean I'm graduating?

不一定. If you have applied to graduate, the Graduation Department in the 注册办公室将对你的课程作业进行初步审核 提交批准的毕业申请和最终审核后,所有最终成绩 have been submitted to determine if you are eligible to graduate. 失踪的需求 will be communicated to you by  the Registrar's 办公室.




What is the 'What-If' feature?

The What-If function allows you to hypothetically change your major. 假设审计 会告诉你新专业或新方向需要哪些课程 你学过的满足要求的课程,还有哪些课程还没有修完 给你带走.


No. The What-If function is for information purposes only. 您将看到标题 在What-上运行审计时,在审计的顶部显示What- 如果场景.

I'm thinking of changing my major. Will I be able to see how my current classes fit 进入我的假设专业?

是的. What-If函数将基于假设的专业和执行审计 能说明你已完成的、当前的和计划中的课程是如何满足要求的吗 假设的专业.

Can my advisor see my What-如果场景?

因为What-If场景没有存储在DegreeWorks上,你的导师只能看到你的 results if the two of you work through a What-If procedure together.

Can I view multiple What-如果场景s on the same screen?

是的. DegreeWorks将允许您一次选择多个学位,或者选择 多度.

Can I save a What-如果场景?

No. What-If plans are not saved on DegreeWorks. 你 would need to run a new What-If scenario next time you log in to see it again.

If I like what I see in a What-如果场景, how do I initiate the change?

Always speak with your advisor first. After consulting with your advisor, you may 使用更改专业表格更改学术课程,并将其提交给注册主任 办公室.




What does the Term Calculator 显示?

学期计算器将在您填写后显示您的估计累积GPA hypothetical grade information. By putting in your current earned units and GPA and 将您正在进行的课程放在表格中(这些都是默认的) with the grade you anticipate receiving for each course; you will see a revised cumulative GPA based on the estimates you provided.

Is this calculator GPA guaranteed?

No. 这只是一个估计.

为什么 can't I select a grade for credit (CR)?

"CR" grades do not count in your GPA. Remove 课程 for which you expect to receive a "CR" from your course list before calculating GPA.