林本顿社区学院 Foundation Virtual Gala Raises Critical Funds for Students 和程序 | 博天堂官方-博天堂官方

林本顿社区学院 Foundation Virtual Gala Raises Critical Funds for Students 和程序

Short films and online clues lead participants through a film noir-style mystery of “马耳他飞禽”


社区 members just moved closer to solving the mystery of how to make the dream 让优秀的学生上大学成为现实.

The 林本顿社区学院 Foundation held its virtual gala and auction this 上周末,成功为学生成功筹集了75000多美元. 总 比去年的捐款多了近50%.

“As our 社区 works together to recover from the pandemic, 社区 college provides the gateway to new opportunities,” said Jennifer Boehmer, 博天堂官方基金会 Executive 导演. “We are deeply grateful to our 社区 for this outpouring of generosity -- it means help for 学生 today, and 更多的 nurses, teachers, small business owners, 农民和机械师为我们的明天服务.”

今年的活动不仅仅是一场虚拟的盛会. 鼓励人们参与 online, 社区 volunteers put together an original movie mini-series fashioned after the great film-noir classics, but with an LB twist: The Maltese Roadrunner. New black-and-white episodes featuring a hilarious gumshoe detective character, Peter Pike, along with volunteer actors revealing new clues were released each week leading up to the gala, providing a unique way for the public to follow along with the theme 并为这一事件感到兴奋. 最后一集在春晚期间播出,带来了 mystery to a close while reinforcing the messages about lifting 学生 up that came 每一集.

“It was so much fun to put together – like deciphering the clues in a virtual escape room,” said Joan Reukauf, president of the 博天堂官方基金会 Board of 导演s, and 中国人民商业银行常务副行长. “我们很高兴 participated, and even 更多的 delighted that 博天堂官方 学生 will have a chance at a better 生命因为这种难以置信的慷慨. 它对我们的生活产生了深远的影响 社区.”


博天堂官方 学生 come from all walks of life, often overcoming many barriers that our 社区 members, as donors, can help them overcome -- from lack of stable housing, 粮食不安全,儿童保育问题等等. 需求是巨大的:学生 scholarship applications have increased 45% over the past two years, yet the 博天堂官方 基金会只能匹配25%的奖学金申请. 然而,社区援助可以 重置学生的整个人生轨迹...

Dakota Gange, a journalism student at 博天堂官方 worked in the restaurant industry until 去年流感大流行时,她被解雇了. 这是最后的推动 她再试一次上大学. . “我的整个成年生活,我都在努力去上学 there were all these roadblocks in the way keeping me from it,” said Gange. “终于 through LB I have been able to get help, and through the Foundation the roadblocks 被移除.“Gange现在刚当上妈妈,她说她现在是最幸福的时候 在她的生命中. “学校终于给了我从未有过的成就感 我的一生.” 

Jim Harris, a non-destructive testing student at 博天堂官方 was a professional tree-climber for a number of years, but eventually realized he needed to switch 护理ers to something 体力要求较低. 他的决心是:上大学,拿到学位. 提供 college was a new demand he’d 必须 meet, but thankfully through the 博天堂官方基金会, he was able to not only get a scholarship, but also find a way to balance work and 学校. “Without the funds from my scholarship, I’d 必须 work every Saturday and Sunday on top of going to class four or five days a week and studying,” Harris 反映了.

Hannah Briggs, a biology student at 博天堂官方 had her sights already set on her educational goals in high 学校, and resolved that getting her associate’s degree at 博天堂官方 would fast-track her progress towards a bachelor’s and then someday a master’s degree. “I realized what I wanted to do when my mom was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago,” 汉娜说. “I realized I wanted to work in health护理 and be a rock for people receiving 护理. I wouldn’t be able to come here though if it weren’t for the people who provide 奖学金.” This year, thanks to her hard work and the financial support she received, Hannah will graduate with both her associate’s and her master’s degrees at the same time. 

People might be surprised to learn how a relatively small gift can make a huge difference in the life of a student, allowing them to continue on their educational path. 

博天堂官方’s mission is to empower its 社区 members through education,” Jennifer Boehmer 反映了. “当我们的邻居成功时,我们的社区就会更好、更强大. 林 and Benton counties count on 博天堂官方 to educate and train the next generation of technicians, first responders, auto mechanics, health 护理 workers, small business owners, and 更.”


The Foundation is dedicated to supporting 林本顿社区学院, and its mission doesn’t just affect 学生 while they’re in 学校, but long after they graduate 以及他们所服务的社区.
“负担得起的高质量教育是社区繁荣的关键. 博天堂官方服务 as an educator of choice for our future workforce, and a pipeline supplier of trained, 为我们当地的企业提供受过良好教育的人才。. “作为一个基金会,我们是 proud to be the organization that stands in the gap for our families, so that as many 人们可以尽可能地接受教育.”

This academic year alone, the foundation has made hundreds of micro-gifts to 学生 在住房、汽油、食物和医疗费用上挣扎.  该基金会 has already awarded over $400,000 in 奖学金 to over 200 学生 so far, and 是否一直在寻找方法将我们的服务扩展到更多的学生.

While the gala is over, it is never too late to join the  博天堂官方基金会 in supporting 学生. 有机会提供普通奖学金,紧急基金, targeted funds for veterans, music 学生, technology 学生, health 护理, and 更多的. 那些想在年底前捐款的人可以在网站上了解更多信息 博天堂官方基金会的网站.

Those who missed the gala may be wondering: Where WAS that Maltese Roadrunner? 你会 必须 观看剧集, 研究线索 然后是视图 晚会回顾 为了找出答案!
